Saturday, 28 April 2012

A little break.....

I will be taking a little break from blogging, just a week or two until I get my head together.
When I started this blog I didn’t realise how hard it will be, and I think I just rushed into it too fast. So anyway I have been blogging for over a month now and I didn’t even know that it was possible but I have writers block. Right now it’s starting to feel like a chore that I do and not something that I enjoy. And I so desperately want to enjoy it again.

So the point of this little “break” is for me to get my head together and work my ass off to make this blog a bigger success!!

~~ If you are wondering whether I will still be writing my awesome reviews then yes!! They will be on goodreads and later on posted on my blog so have no fear! You will still get to enjoy my awesomeness.
~~ I am still going to an annoying little shit on twitter so if you don’t already follow me then here you go and make sure you do as I will be telling you guys when I return.
~~I will work on being more funny (I know what you’re all thinking, “how could you possibly be more funny you’re hilarious already” and yeah I know but it won’t hurt to try :D)

I really REALLY want to make this blog a success and I need you guys so bear with me on this guys and I promise that I will do my very best to not only tell you guys what sort of books you need to read but also enlighten you on some very silly and stupid things that have happened to me.

So for now goodbye, bye bye, don’t miss me too much.


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